Sunday, 16 May 2010

Don't ever get sick!!

If possible, don't ever get sick! This is something I discovered in Facebook which is shocking and worth worrying. Read the wall post by Robiatul Akhma Mohammad.

This is what she posted:

Robiatul Akhma Mohamad kayu api dalam neraka esok2 ni...tapi sedeh fikirkan sape la mak ayah dia ni...lahirkan ank yang......hati penuh ngan titik hitam dah ni...if kata ape2 pom kompem xjalan ni..patutnyer bila dia sakit bagi injection KCL trus,.bia jantung dia xhidup..xlayak bernafas kt bumi ALLAH SWT ni..nauzubillah..

Thursday at 01:17 · Flag

A nurse suggesting to inject KCL to some guy named "Kafir Bangga" for insulting Islam. A NURSE??!!!

I'm kind enough to paint over their eyes. But I think this is not a joke matter for a nurse, trainee or even someone in the medical profession to say such things. She may have directed it at Kafir Bangga only, but hey, it's still ethically and morally wrong to say such things. It shows that she may someday abuse her position as a nurse to KCL anyone who stepped on her precious tail. Gosh, I'm taking a risk here against the entire nursing profession or anyone in the medical profession who thinks like her. Dangerous wei!!

In case you're wondering who Kafir Bangga is, please read here.

To know what KCL is, please read here and here.

"KCl is used in medicine, scientific applications, food processing and in judicial execution through lethal injection."

"The intravenous injection is usually a sequence of drugs given in a set sequence, designed to first induce unconsciousness followed by death through paralysis of respiratory muscles and/or by cardiac arrest through depolarization of cardiac muscle cells. The execution of the condemned in most states involves three separate injections (in sequential order):

  1. Sodium thiopental: ultra-short action barbiturate, an anaesthetic agent capable of rendering the prisoner unconscious in a few seconds.
  2. Pancuronium: non-depolarizing muscle relaxant, causes complete, fast and sustained paralysis of the skeletal striated muscles, including the diaphragm and the rest of the respiratory muscles; this would eventually cause death by asphyxiation.
  3. Potassium chloride: stops the heart, and thus causes death by cardiac arrest."


2 Yawns:

Unknown said...

Akin to Dr. Shipman situation

Uncle Jo. said...

i don think God will please with her act...

May God forgive her...


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